3.6. Small combustion plants


Making of small combustion plants with efficiency from 1 t/h till 6 t/h.

Design developed technology features

In contrast to existent combustion plants in developed technology the “open” scheme of afterburning is used. The rubbish is burned in special high-temperature furnace. Mentioned furnace is not cooled by surfaces for combustion materials heat recovery, it’s realized in special boiler unit. Such technology    provides afterburning of harmful gaseous discharges till high level of gas sanitary purification. 

Project content

Primary equipment  of small combustion plants are furnace for rubbish burning, furnace for thermal neutralization of gaseous discharges, boiler-utilizer, three-stage system of gas purification. As boiler-utilizer can be used hot-water boiler or steam-boiler. On application of steam-boiler small combustion plant can be completed by gas turbine and electric generator.

Energotechnological data

Conformably to small plant of 2,7 t/h efficiency for the treatment of hard waste or drilling cuttings energy output will be sufficient for satisfaction of auxiliary and also for selling. The funds from selling of electric energy and buildings materials, that can be produced from tailings, will be enough for the reimbursement of costs for the natural gas payment and profit earning. 

Economical data

Pay-back period – 6 years.