Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Hennadiy Zhuk
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Anatolii Smikhula
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kyrylo Kostohryz
Ivan Shved
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Borys Ilienko
1. Department of thermo-chemical processes and nanotechnology
Investigation of physicochemical and technological bases of the metals recovery processes including non-coking metallurgy processes. Study of the features of steam-oxygen gasification of coal. The creation of new technologies of production and use of expanded graphite, in particular as the basis for the sorbents of oil and oil products. The creation and study of new technologies for production nanomaterials based on carbon and on metal oxide basis, in particular nanoliquids for the thermophysical purposes and thermo-chemical resistant seals for nuclear power.
2. Department of technologies of alternative fuels
Head of Department – Konstiantyn Pyanykh
Doctor of Technical Sciences.
The creation of scientific and technical foundations, technologies and equipment for the replacement of natural gas with other energy sources in industrial furnaces and boilers set of utilities and industrial power plants; development of scientific-methodical bases of management by energy efficiency of heating units and heat supply of cities and settlements; the development of energy – saving ecologically clean technologies and equipment for efficient use of natural gas in industries and public utilities, use of secondary energy resources.
3. Department of gas technology
Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Development of resource saving technologies and equipment for industrial preparation, processing, liquefaction and transportation of natural gas; use of natural gas, biogas, coal bed methane and associated petroleum gas as motor fuel for internal combustion engines at transport and autonomous power systems; utilization of biogas of different origins; development of software systems for calculation of thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbons and their mixtures; technology of formation and dissociation of gas hydrates.
4. Department of air pollution protection
Research of conditions of harmful substances formation in the fuel combustion processes. Development of methods and technical means of fuel combustion in energy, industry, and utilities with low emissions. Thermal and thermocatalytic treatment of gaseous emissions. Development and reconstruction of the boiler equipment of power plants and boilers for improving thermal and environmental performance, development of systems for combustion of biogas.
Laboratory of hazardous substances and waste management
Chief laboratory – Volodymyr Chetverykov
Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Development of a scientific and methodological base for environmentally safe removal of hazardous chemical substances and prevention of their formation in thermal processes.
5. Department of high-temperature heat and mass transfer
Head of Department – Borys Soroka
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Developments in the theory and methods of physical, mathematical and computer modeling of transport of mass, energy and momentum in high temperature installations including chemically reactive environment and/or simultaneous occurrence of combustion processes. Development of calculation methods, creation and implementation in industry of new energy-efficient constructions of heat exchangers. Developments in the field of the modern theory of combustion, thermal theory of combustion furnaces and methods of their calculation and creation of new and improvement of existing designs for thermal processing of metallic and non-metallic materials.
6. Department of thermal heterogeneous processes
Development and implementation of production technologies of inorganic materials for construction industry and other industries. The study of processes and development of resource-saving technologies and equipment for melting and thermochemical processing of materials. Thermal and adsorption-catalytic treatment of industrial waste in fluidized bed.
7. Department of problems of industrial heat engineering
Head of Department Vyacheslav Picashov
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Study of radiation, convection and heat transfer in complex metallurgical processes, engineering and building materials industry. Development of highly efficient clean technologies and effective gas equipment for heating materials. Development of systems of decentralized heat supply of autonomous objects.
8. Department of plasma processes and technologies
Head of Department- Viktor Zhovtyanskyi
Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Professor.
The study of physical properties of low-temperature plasma arc and gloving gas discharges. Development of technologies for conversion of carbonaceous raw materials in plasma and molten compounds of alkali metals. Plasma technology for surface modification of construction materials. Recycling of municipal solid waste and alternative fuel production; neutralization of toxic and hazardous wastes. Modeling of processes of radiation transfer and its influence on the thermodynamic condition of plasma. General questions of energy saving and waste management.
The Institute also includes:
Scientific-organizational Department
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher E-mail:
Staff: group of scientific Secretary; information technology sector; the sector on issues of technology transfer, innovation and intellectual property; publishing industry; scientific-technical library.
Experimental-production Department
Head of Department – Volodymyr Milovanov