Development data
The systems of modernization for annular furnace for metal blocks normalization, modernization of heating systems and refractory facing of sectional furnaces for metal blocks fast heating and casting ladles modernization for high temperature heating with recuperation system of wastes gases are developed.

Energotechnological and economical data
After annular furnace reconstruction with burners ГДМ-300 application the tempering of metal blocks are possible, the fuel consumption less at 10% at higher will be reached also. Depending on the equipment integration the cost of annular furnace reconstruction will be to 60 $thousands. Sectional furnaces reconstruction will guarantee the fuel consumption less at 15% at higher will be reached, cost of reconstruction – 50 $thousands. Casting ladles reconstruction provides fuel economy 30% and higher under total cost from 50 to 100 $thousands. Developments pay-back period to 2 years.