
The Institute has a doctorate in specialty 05.14.06 “Technical Thermophysics and Industrial Thermal Power Engineering”.

Persons who have a scientific degree of a candidate of technical sciences, scientific achievements and published works on the specialty and who are able to carry out fundamental, search and applied scientific research on a high scientific level are admitted to doctoral studies. The term of stay in doctoral studies does not exceed 3 years.

Within a month from the receipt of documents in one of the departments of the Institute, the scientific reports of the admissions to the doctoral degree are heard, the detailed plans of work on the dissertation are considered, the possibilities of enrollment are determined. The decision of the Academic Council is approved and issued by the order of the Director of the Institute. Every year, doctoral students submit to the Scientific Council of the Institute a report on the implementation of an individual work plan, according to the results of which their certification is carried out and a decision is made on the subsequent stay in the doctoral program.