State of the problem
In Ukraine are in operation about 200 PTWM-50 and PTWM-100 boilers. These boilers are supplying by heat the cities housing estates and are the first-rate gas consumer in municipal economy. Being adjusted for mazut combustion these boilers are equipped by slopping bottom with heat-exchange surfaces for slag damping. Since during use of these boilers on the natural gas the slopping bottom is not heated practically and the boilers efficiency is not more than 89-90 %. Actually, taking into account equipment deterioration this index is 87 %. This lead to the considerable fuel overran – till 100 millions m³ per year.
Substance of development
The method of small cost PTWM boilers reconstruction is developed. It provides utilization of slopping bottom heat-exchange surfaces by means of specially developed burners setting.
Specification figures
PTWM boilers reconstruction provides heat-exchange surfaces efficiency increase, promotes its uniform load and efficiency increase on 1,2 – 2,5 % under boilers full-time. In summer time-interval, when boilers load is decreased to 20-25 % for providing hot-water supply only, efficiency will increase on 3-4 %. While in reconstruction the space from burner to heat-exchange surfaces is increased greatly and maximum temperature in the combustion zone nucleus is reduced almost by 100 ºC. Mentioned promotes to boilers operation life time increase by 6–8 years and nitrogen oxide emission decrease by 33-58 %.
Timing of job for one boiler – 4 months, pay-back period – 6.