4.14. Low-emission flat-flame burners for industrial furnaces

Development data

New generation  of low-emission flat-flame burners  for heating of  metallic and non-metallic materials have been developed. Application of burners changed the construction of furnaces that are cold now as furnaces of non-direct heating. New construction of  low-emission burners titled GPP-LE with enhanced combustion stability has been created. The value of pollutant effluent by utilization of GPP-LE burners is much lower that those stipulated by international and national standards.

Energotechnological and economical data

The problem of development of gas-tight heat-treating furnaces of complicated conditions of thermal treatment may be solved successfully by burners application.  It provides the reduction of specific fuel consumption, increase of fuel utilization efficiency, improvement of  thermal treatment – reduction of metal losses caused by oxidation and decarbonization  at  30…50%? reduction of the toxic substances. High temperature uniformity within the surface to be heated – deviation from average temperature at  на ±5°С, specific NOx yield under combustion by air preheating temperature  300 °С is 75…25 g/t.

Development implementation

The burners have been implemented at more than 70 ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgical plants and engineering works, at the chemical, building materials factories etc.