Hollow Glass Microsphere Technology and Line

General view of glass microspheres
Apparatus for glass microspheres making


Glass microspheres of a sphere are a material similar in properties to microspheres or ash microspheres, but differs in much lower cost. An insignificant decrease in consumer properties in comparison with ash or glass microspheres makes it possible to use this material as a filler for most composite materials, lightweight construction materials, lightweight materials for aerospace purposes, composite materials for radio engineering and electronics, syntactic foams, molding compounds, mastics, putties, sealants, varnishes, paints, adhesives, light cements, building materials, thermal insulation products, protective materials to reduce oil product losses during storage, effective additives to explosives, catalyst carriers.


The line is developed and completed with devices depending on the properties of raw materials, the required characteristics of the finished product and its purpose.

Technical characteristics of a pilot line with a capacity of 100 kg/h (example)

Raw material productivity 100 kg/h
Raw material – volcanic ash, obsidian, perlite, particle size 0 – 400 mkm
Finished product – hollow microspheres, size 0 – 1000 mkm
Bulk dencity 100 – 500 kg/m3
Blast air consumtion 120 nm3/h
Fuel consumption 4,5 nm3/h
Heat treatment temperature in the apparatus до 1000 0С
Dimensions L×B×H 4,4×3,2×4,6 m

Characteristics of the finished product

Average particle diameter 50; 100; 150; 200 mkm
Chemical composition (approximate) SiO2 – 72%; Al2O3 – 12%, other: Na2O, K2O, CaO
Application temperature until 900 0С
Bulk weight 100 – 400 kg/m3
Thermal conductivity 0,04 – 0,07 W/m×s


The technology is based on a special apparatus with a fluidized bed, which allows for uniform processing of finely dispersed material at high temperatures. Material consumption and occupied production areas are 2.5 – 3 times, and fuel consumption is 8 – 10% lower than in rotating machines. The productivity of one device can range from 100 kg/h to 1000 kg per hour.

Development readiness level

On request, the development of the line and the manufacture of the apparatus, the supply of related equipment, installation, commissioning, warranty service, personnel training are carried out.

Contact information

Kyrylo Kostohryz, Gas Institute of NAS of Ukraine

+380444560324, +380663050136 e-mail: tspgas@ukr.net