
  • Determination of energy, thermophysical and thermodynamic characteristics of gaseous fuels containing hydrogen and combustion products. Enthalpy and exergy analysis of fuel efficiency, including specific fuel consumption, specific emissions of greenhouse and harmful gases per unit of useful energy in gas combustion systems for heating and technological purposes.
  • Investigation of combustion macrokinetics and flare structure of fuels containing hydrogen of different composition in the combustion chamber.
  • Heat recovery of exhaust gases and thermochemical utilization during combustion of process gases of hydrogen-containing mixtures.
  • The use of hydrogen mixtures in gas internal combustion engines (ICE).
  • Development of burner equipment for combustion of hydrogen / gaseous fuels with high hydrogen content in industrial / boiler units and industrial furnaces.
  • Development of methods for reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides during the combustion of hydrogen or its mixtures with other gases in existing or new boilers.
  • Development and implementation of technologies for efficient use of fuel gases with high hydrogen content (and liquid fuels) for heating industrial furnaces and other power units.
  • Research and development of technologies and equipment for the use of hydrogen-containing fuel gases for infrared heating in industry and everyday life for heating furnaces, power and heating boilers, heating large rooms and facilities with radiation pipes.
  • Development of technologies and equipment for the use of hydrogen-containing fuels in industrial technological processes:
    • restoration of ferrous and non-ferrous metals;
    • heat treatment of products based on iron and copper in a protective atmosphere;
    • firing to obtain high quality iron powders;
    • production of carbon nanomaterials in CVD processes in a hydrogen atmosphere.