Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Viktor Zhovtiansky received commemorative awards for long-term cooperation with Lithuanian partners

On December 6, 2023, the Lithuanian Energy Institute (Kaunas, Lithuania) awarded the head of the Plasma Processes and Technologies Department of the Gas Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Viktor Zhovtiansky for long-term scientific cooperation.

The award ceremony took place in the building of the Lithuanian Energy Institute, where the Ukrainian guest gave a lecture “Experimental study of the effects of near-surface regions in dense plasma by the probe method in the diffusion mode of operation”, and also touched upon the common pages of the history of Ukraine and Lithuania since the time of Nicholas IV Radziwill “the Black” (1515 -1565) until 1990.
During this meeting, the correspondent member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Viktor Zhovtyanskyi received a gold commemorative medal of the Lithuanian Energy Institute for long-term partnership. It should be noted that with its gold and silver medals, this institution awards people who have significantly contributed to its achievements.

The scientist of the Academy has been fruitfully cooperating with the Lithuanian Energy Institute for a long time, has joint scientific publications and developments with his Lithuanian colleagues. Currently, the corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Viktor Zhovtiansky is participating in the implementation of the Ukrainian-Lithuanian project “Research of plasma effects in energy-efficient waste processing technologies with hydrogen production” under the Program of Bilateral Cooperation between Lithuania and Ukraine in the Field of Science and Technology for 2022-2023 (it provides , in particular, a program of visits to get acquainted with the scientific topics of the institute’s laboratories and joint experiments in the institute’s Laboratory of Plasma Technologies, lectures for young scientists, joint scientific publications and a joint scientific seminar), as well as in the work of the attestation commission of this institute (for which he was awarded a special certificate at a token of appreciation for successful cooperation and his numerous important visits within the mentioned Ukrainian-Lithuanian project).

We heartily congratulate the laureate on these honorary awards and wish him further professional success!

According to the Gas Institute of the NAS of Ukraine

Photo of the Gas Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Lithuanian Energy Institute

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