Leading researcher of the department of alternative fuels technologies, doctor of technical sciences Ye.Ye. Nikitin is a member of the subgroup “Restoration and modernization of life support systems” of the working group “Construction, urban planning, modernization of cities and regions” of the National Council for Reconstruction of Ukraine from the effects of war

Agenda of the inaugural meeting of the subgroup “Restoration and modernization of life support systems” of the Working Group “Construction, urban planning, modernization of cities and regions”, the National Council for Reconstruction of Ukraine from the effects of war

According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine № 266 of April 21, 2022 on the establishment of the National Council for Reconstruction of Ukraine from the effects of war (hereinafter – the National Council) headed by the Head of the Presidential Office and the Prime Minister established thematic working groups. The main purpose of the National Council is to prepare a comprehensive Recovery Plan. Reference to the Decree of the President of Ukraine

Date: May 13 2022

Time: 13:00 (UTC+3)

Duration: up to 40 min.

ZOOM video conference at the link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86223042600?pwd=bkhtRlNxL3E3SnZCTU1oSFNHcHJNQT09

Meeting ID: 862 2304 2600

Password: 1

Participants: behind the list

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